
Agnes Harb

You'll go to where you find work and bread.
video length:
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
At the beginning people said: "The Legionaries are breaking in". All of them were local young people who went to Germany before the Anschluss. It was all paid for. My father's brother, who was an innkeeper, had four children. All of them were ? what were they called ? illegal Nazis. That was one of Hitler's associations. First they were sort of hidden so that one didn't know... but then they got stronger and stronger. And somehow they must have been... they were financed by Germany. They had orders to harm the Austrian economy at all levels ? my own cousin told me that! So that we would get worn down for the Anschluss! That's the way politics worked. And that is also what happened. That's how politics worked. Even though I'm not a politician myself ? that's the way it was. If you're worn down, have no work or anything else - the same thing would happen today. You'll go to where you find work and bread.